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全球首款以天然 miswak 及天然礦石製成牙刷頭的牙刷,免用牙膏,天然礦石能釋放大量負離子,潔浄牙齒及清除牙菌膜,有效預防蛀牙和牙周病。

大板八尾市是日本首屈一指的牙刷生產地,馬來西亞穆斯林在機緣巧合下找到這家有超過130年歷史的日本神荣株式会社,將公元前的護齒用品 miswak 樹枝,研究製造成現代免牙膏 miswak 牙刷。







First in the World - Miswak Toothbrush


The world’s first miswak toothbrush features bristles blended with miswak powder and Hokkaido Silica.


MISWAK is a traditional teeth cleaning root in the Islamic community. It has been utilized for several centuries.  As a unique combination of miswak powder and surface smoothing natural silica, our toothbrush offers a completely new tooth brushing concept.


Safe and proven Japan-made toothbrushes support everyday oral care.

Our toothbrushes are 100% safe and proven, Japan-made products.
They are manufactured in factories centered in Yao and its neighboring cities in Osaka Prefecture, an area famous for the largest volume of toothbrush production.

Mizuha Miswak Toothbrush

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